If mama is okay with it, I say go with #3. Everyone likes a little humor and people will talk to you more about that one than the others. years from now, they will say, hey, remember when ND and clan posed in front of the crapper? hahahaha.

Your chillen will always remember it. When the girl gets married, you can use that one in the slide show too...actually you can use that whether it is your Xmas card or not.

A little chilly up there today I bet? My garage door was froze to the cement and it broke the gear that drives the chain. Great, I hope Craftsman has a part, or i gotta buy a new opener. I shoulda known better than to hit the button with all the rain we had yesterday. Dangnabbit. Merry Christmas to my garage door.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.