This is far from an awful thread though. As far as I've seen it's the best one on the internet...anywhere.

Without it, I'd not have met you or your family, who have become great friends with...who'd I'd do anything for.

I've written here many times and will again today. I met you to give you the treestand and it was like we've know eachother for a long time. That didn't change the next year when I met Uncle Dusty and Missy up at Chickenbuck. Missy got out of the truck and gave me a big hug and it was like we were family right there.

Dusty got out, shook my hand, patted me on the back said something and his smile lit up the place...and always will.

Chickenbuck is a magical place. My boy has been there once and talks about it at least once a week, asking when we're going again. Always trying to get me to find him a dirt bike so he can ride with Joe and Nate. The boy was hooked right out of the gate...just like the rest of us that have been there.

Camp is where you make it.