I no verkin' dis day eeder!

Went out duck hunting this morning and whiffed on some geese that happened along. Told my buddy, Man am I glad I got my missing out of the way already this weekend!

You guys and your rifles. We are stuck with shotguns here and although they shoot very good (2-3 MOA) out to 150, they arent rifles. Man, to think of some of the bucks I would have had with a rifle. And we are about 15 miles south of the line. Uggg.

Muzzle control boys. Both for safety and augering dem der deers!

OHH, one more thing. The boys and I went out at sunset last night looking for deer around the house. We saw 8 bucks chasing does! One dandy; 7 smaller ones. But man, were they chasing! We werent gone an hour! IT IS ON! We are hitting it perfect!

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.