
I'll bet the color is gone now! it was real windy that day. The maples were the only thing with color left. The popples were bare already.

I'll be in the bushes on the youth hunt/doe hunt, but I'll be scouting. Wearing orange of course. I'll try to flush some birds so I can pop one if I'm lucky. April and I are going to be tent camping at the deer camp. It'll be a chilly one but I'm excited. I haven't done that for a long time.

Gopher, good luck to you both. As you know, there is a stand being maintained for you guy in my country too, if you don't connect in either spot. Our are is either sex, so if we have an open tag we can fill it. Jack will be up on the second weekend too. He's excited becaue I bought him some camo insulated bibs. smile

Jack and I got up early yesterday and moved the wood from the oaks that had to be cut in my yard, from the front yard to the back. There was frost on the roof of the house. It put a bounce in my step thats for sure.

The sun hangs low in the sky for a lot of the morning, the leaves here are on fire, the grass is turning brown, the geese are meeting their demise in the lake across the road from my house, deer tracks are present in my yard....

I can't think of anything but where they're crossing the trail. How am I going to hunt the NE wind in the Pecker Stand? Will Andy pop one early from The Fort? Is Jeff's stand still going to have the hot rubs? Am I going to have to drag the 230 pounder across the beaver dam myself?

These things are going through my brain instead of concrete and steel!

Camp is where you make it.