My uncle just called, him & my nephew aka "the boy" are coming up here bright & early friday morning for the opening weekend.

He asked about what to bring, I told him about a bed I got from a friend today that would go in his room so he should leave his cot at home. he thought that was pretty good & he asked me about something i never saw coming.

My cousin shot a bobcat last year & sent it to the txidermist, well, his wife (the boy's maw, AKA *"makes no patties") got it back from the cat stuffer man & they want to know if it can come up to the deer camp..

How cool is that?

Way cool, that's how cool.

I'm simply tickled/honored about the whole thing. Can't wait to see it.

the new deer camp has taken a couple of weekend test runs with some of the early hunt opportunities we've had but this is the real deal coming up this weekend.

I'm very anxious, it's going to be a good time.


* "makes no patties" indian nick name for her phobia of ground beef. She'll eat hamburgers, she'll cook em too, but she won't make the patties!! smile

chief "buys many guns" thanks "makes no patties" for sending bobcat up nort.

Something clever here.