Isn't it funny?

Life. Love. The pursuit of happiness. Friendship. A good doG (that's God spelled backwords). The smell of your first kiss. The friend that introduced you to that girl. Grandma's cookies. The sound of a fly reel in full drag. Smell of woodsmoke. A fair breeze. The smell of that doG wet. The fit of good pair of boots. Those same boots repaired. A triple on the wing. The guy that witnessed the triple. Your Anniversary. Every year. Children that need you. Your Dad. Your Mom. Your best friends Mom! He's got a little 'captain in 'em! Strip, strip, long strip, FISH ON! A baby on your belly. Baby spit-up. Fine shooting iron. Cheap iron that works. Sunshine. Sunshine and deep snow. The sound of snow melting. Life. Love. The pursuit of happiness.

And Deer Camp.


Wood is Good.