Negatory on the Butt Out tool Ron, try again! Supposed to have a call this week with the attorney.

So about 8 years ago, Dad bought a vacuum sealer and brought it up to Canada on our fishing trip. He sat there for about 2 hours trying to get that to work and the rest of us were literally in tears we were laughing so hard. At the end, cousin Shane sucked out all the air from a ziplock and it was way better than anything the sealer had produced. That was it, as soon as he did that, we had 5 guys in stitches...falling out of the cabin we were laughing so hard the neighboring cabin guys who we had never met came over. Pretty soon they were laughing too! What a cool memory.

Ironically, Dad just bought another one. Round 2 this year! grin

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.