bubbajay....I went through the EXACT same thing a little over 3 years ago. The boys are just awesome. I can give you all kinds of advice about twins.

#1 It is imperative that your wife breast feeds. And I aint talking about how much healthier that is....It is sooooo much easier to just elbow her in the ribs when they wake up at night hungry. wink

#2 Make it known early and often that you do not want any gifts that are different styles, sizes, or colors. If you wanna buy my twins a gift, they better be duplicates or clones. I cant tell you how many times I have heard, "I WANT THE GREEN ONE!!!!". Seriously, this is an issue that is easily solved. Grandparents are the worst.

#3 When I am doing something with one, I feel guilty about not doing something with the other. Dont have an answer for this one yet..... confused

#4 Feed them at the same time. Yes, that means waking one up to eat. Experience has taught us this the hard way.

#5 During the times that twins try your patience (like when they were caught throwing eggs (9) all over the kitchen), remember, very few people are blessed with the opportunity to raise twins.

#6 With 3 kids you have to abandon the man-to-man defense and go to a zone. Really, you kinda do. You will develop that with your wife as time goes on.

#7 Your wife is gonna get twice as stressed. Take the kids out looking for deer to give her some time to decompress.

#8 Enjoy them!

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.