Originally Posted by Bill_55
Glad to hear that I was going to ask you if you had it yet when I logged on, and lo and behold you posted you used it. How do you like it? The fanciest I ever got is a six gallon bucket to sit on cause it is just a little taller than a 5 gallon bucket. I can't imagine a castle like that.


It was great! We really like it! The best part is, our youngest son (who has never shown much interest in fishing) actually had a good time too!

If it took getting this fish camper to make him want to crawl out of the basement and away from the play station, well thats just a bonus!

The reason we haven't had it out sooner is because there is just too much snow on the local lakes and it's been brutally cold. Up on LOW, the resorts plow roads and spots for wheel houses to set up so it makes it pretty conveniant.

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...