There is a seperate pre hunt thread on deer hunting with a goofy fun theme to it. I posted this advice in that thread but I'd like to share it here as well.

(read it with your sven and ole voice)

You fellerz make fer sher to remember da little tings now eh?

Buy a dam license why dont'cha eh? And put it in your wallet wit a piece of string or wire eh?

How bout a compass and a flashlight eh? Book a matches and a few bullets too. Clean dem scope lenses eh fellerz? Turn dat big scope down low why dontcha? Check your sling hardware, remember how dat sling swivel squeeked like a sucker last year when you put da creep on dem fresh tracks trew da cedar woods eh? How bout a drop of oil on dat sucker eh? Member da time Muttee's sling broke cause da little screw came out and he bent his scope on dat big rock? Maybe check dem screws eh?

You got dat grunt tube? Keep it inside your 7 layers of clothing eh? So dat reed don't freeze, udderwize you sound like a goose when you toot dat buck horn eh?

You got dat knife sharp eh? How bout put it in your pocket dis year instead of on da table back at camp eh? And a pair of dem slippry little gloves too eh? Keep that deer fluids from drying under yer finner nails.

Member dat time you had to take your belt off to make a choker strap to drag dat skinny neck doe trew da swamp? And den you had dat sagen saw on dat belt but you dropped it in da swamp when you took dat belt off and now it's gone? How bout a new sagen saw and a rope too eh?

And about dat tinks bottle, how bout put it in a zip lock bag dis year before you put in in your pocket eh?

Something clever here.