Report from No Chance Hunt Club-

Very quiet opening morning - especially for State land. Your scribe was in his ladderstand at 0600. He noticed right off the bat that he was facing the wrong way, even though his face was in the wind. At 0750 a noise in the leaves was heard over his shoulder on his weak (left) side. He turned to see the biggest buck he's seen in a few decades moving at a trot. Range, 20 yards. Scribe then tries to get his rifle up and around while trying to stand up, throws the scope up and gets off two shots faster than it took to read this sentence. Scribe's brother later says he knew it was me and 2 misses after hearing the shots go fast fast in succession. Handsy, kneesy for 2 hours looking for blood or hair. Nothing. Dejected.

Same stand day 2. Nothing. Still festering over snap shot miss. Thinking of ways to get back at brother. Turned stand 180*.

Day 3. Still bummed. Sleep in to 0700. Too warm for hunting clothes. Put on jeans and BO shirt and vest. On stand at 0800. Very windy. Tree moving 8". Getting woozy. See movement to my right - same path as Mr. Big. Doe, but she's looking backwards. Encouraging. Hear some grunting, see more movement, get the scope on it, buck - but not Mr. Big. Have to leave for home in 2 hours. Find the crease and squeeze. Bang, flop. 4pt. Not big, but he'll eat. Went old school with Win. Model 100 .308 with 180 gr. Fed Fusions.


Pickled delicacies had their desired effect on the camp. However, emergency run to convenience store for Immodium the night before opener was in order.

Kuerig was kinda nice.

Catered food was awesome. Cheap too. $8 for prime rib and the fixins'. Chef is the nephew of camp old guy. I think that's going to happen again.

Skinny jeans guy rifle was sighted in by another camp member. When SJG got into his blind, he found that 30-06 shells don't fit into...wait for it...a 270! Somebody didn't have bullets for the 1st 2 hours of the season. Glad they're lifelong friends.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin