Tom tzone 1,Tom turkey 0

We had a great week of turkey hunting this year. I got a nice bird on Friday AM at 5:20. He came down 100yds in front of me, and I called him in to 25yds, and that is as close as I was going to let him get. He strutted the whole time. I gave him a quick put to break the strut and hit the go switch on the Rem 870 20ga A load of Hevi-13 #5 did the dirty work.

He flew down off the roost on a place we call Roosting Ridge. Those little buggers roost up there in the evening, then fly down and get the heck out of town. The don't hang around long on this ridge, they just dissapear. If you don't spook them, they keep comming back to the general vicinity.

21.5#, 9 1/2" beard, and 1" spurs. A pretty good bird, for me anyway.


The hill in the background is about 150yds from the bottom to the top, and about 100' high from the bottom. A real neat place and fun to sit at. The green on the ground in the background, is wild Leaks. They taste and smell like onions, and yes we did have them with turykey. smile

My BIL got his first bird yesterday morning as well, but I don't have pictures of that yet. The hunt with him was the MOST FUN hunt of any kind I've been on to date. It was like it was right out of Mossy Oak T.V. So congrats to him.

Camp is where you make it.