Well these pics are actually from three different trips last winter. The one's with me, I was fishing with a buddy of mine who has an 8 x 18 sleeper house. Not sure why I look so crabby. confused
Maybe its because I was asking him to take a picture and he was lying in the house hung over and whining for me to quit fishing and run to town and get him cocoa puffs. grin

The one of Dave and runs with scissors was a trip we took after that and we all had a good 'ol time out there. I sent Dave more pics from that trip to post.

The one of my wife was from a trip we took the weekend after that and as you can tell there was gale force winds that day. (Her 'fuzzy hat's' earlappers normally hang straight down) We had to sit in the truck and wait for flags and the wind was rocking the truck most of the day. Yes the WIND Tzone and Wabo!


The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...