Well it is time for me to chime in with a little of what I experienced on Sunday. Dave hit the nail right on the head with everything he said. Although I didn't realize all the excitement back at the cabin.
It seems like a dream. I was just getting ready to get out of the stand thinking this is the end of the 2013 hunting season. With no deer, but so much fun was had by all. I was lifting the burlap that is above the door, and I heard something in the brush. I waited for a short time and out come 2 deer. They were making their way toward the west. At this point I wouldn't be able to make a good sit-down shot, so I slowly stood up. She looked toward me, once she looked away I was able to lift my rifle and make the shot.
Shortly after Pam and Justin come down the trail. Pam walked toward her stand and Justin walked the trail a ways hoping the other one would go in her direction, but no such luck. I look up and see the most important people in my life walking through the woods in their blaze orange, to share this exciting moment with me. It was very emotional. Before I got back to dad's stand they had the doe by the ladder, ready for pictures.
I am not very good at making speaches, didn't really know what to say. But I just know that Camp Chicken Buck was very important to dad. He was looking down on us and happy that we were all there together. Very special moment. Thank you Dave and family for making a place that holds so many wonderful memories, and one that will make many more in the future.

I am out of order until further notice. My "stupid people" filter needs cleaning and my "give a damn" batteries have run out.