To answer your question from way back, we have the Cabelas berber fleece camo for our boys and it is awesome. If you can wait til they go on sale, the price isnt bad and it works for everything.

Nice pics ND. I love the second one down, the one of the curve in the road. I can smell the leaves from here!

We worked on deer stands all weekend. I did sneak in a quick goose/duck hunt in before church on Sunday. This wasnt the normal place I go cuz my buddies wife was having a baby. How inconsiderate huh? Having a baby on a hunting weekend? the nerve! The place we went was good for some early wood duck shooting and I shot prolly the biggest, most impressive drake woodie I have ever seen. The geese were a no show.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.