Originally Posted by northern_dave

Wow, I like that, pictures yeah, for sure I've been thinking of how to do that the best way.. There will be pictures. But what you wrote here, "transcend the inconvenience of death...... saints... template.."

I like that. Did that just roll on out for you or were does that come from?

The '..saints to imitate...' is from a commonly used form of the Roman Catholic liturgy (standard format for church worship).

The rest is context I whipped up to make it slide down smoothly.

Many people are uncomfortable with the word "saint". I am going to go a little off-topic to justify the word "saint".

Let's talk about Peter:
Jesus said to Simon Peter "...you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades (hell) will not overcome it." Matt 16:17 Jesus said this knowing full well that Peter would deny him, fail him, three times in the very near future.

The key word is overcome. Peter fell down. Peter was a man's man....he kept getting back up. So if Jesus can found his church on material as flawed as Peter, then we should not be shy about calling men (and women) saints, even when we know they are flawed. The key, I think, is that they keep peeling themselves off the canvas and trying to do what is good, and noble and Godly.
Regarding outhouses, you might research "mouldering privy" using Google. They like cool weather.

Just make sure the door opens away from the house.
Deer camp movies:
Escanaba in da Moonlight is a very good movie. I would have liked it much better if they had cut the game warden singing sequence.

I am a conservative with a lowercase "c".