Originally Posted by big drift
Dave ya get the trail cam out? I am dying to see forky toes.

Thinking about running a board for who gets him wink

I have a camera out but it's a POS. I don't trust it to take any pics.

I messed with it for a half an hour to get it to power up. then we couldn't get it to trigger. We finally got it to trigger but then we figured out we had a bad SD card in it crazy

So, now it's set up with no SD card so it I want to read the pics from it I have to take the cam home and hook it to my computer to read the internal memory.

Dusty is talking about getting a real camera, a new Bushnel trophy cam. The new 8MP unit with video capability.

It will be nice to have a dependable cam out there for once.

We checked last weekend by Dusty's stand and he has a regular deer highway running past his stand too. Not kidding, it's impressive.

Something clever here.