Originally Posted by gophergunner
Originally Posted by CharlieFoxtrot
T minus 67 hours and counting until our opener. Leaving for camp before sunrise tomorrow.

Some disturbing developments at deer camp. Someone's bringing up a Kuerig. Another is bringing catered meals from a restaruant friend. I'm so ashamed. The cure is to eat raw deer heart, but my fear is that they would slice it thin, add capers and call it carpaccio. eek
The hell you say! This is a serious infraction! Deer camp rules specifically prohibit the use of foo-foo coffee makers. What's next? Quiche for breakfast? Bon-bon's and truffles for desert? You must put a stop to this insanity!

Too much new vocabulary for me to understand. Kuerig? Carpaccio? Quiche? Foo-foo? What has this place become????? We're suppose to spit, cuss, drink and gut critters.

I'll have to crack a High Life and ponder what to do next.

Do not feed the bear!

White Bear sometimes treads on thin ice...