Griz, that is much appreciated info & any more expertise you can share including pics is also much appreciated. Sounds like Humdinger is also looking for some sandpoint schooling.

Humdinger, my cabin project has been a lot of work, but can not compare to anything our grandfathers built. What I mean is the physical labor & speed part, The inside of my right hand, between my thumb & forfinger there is a callussed arch from framing/sheeting nailer & cordless drills. That's my cheater mark.... I shouldn't have been able to be as far as I am right now with the time I've had.

Our grandfathers swung hammers.. man, they worked hard. hand saws, everything was hand tools, yeah 52 years ago there were power tools by it's unlikely there was a way to use them out at a cabin site.

I think back 25+ years back when I "helped" build a hunting cabin that still stands today. I was a boy, about my oldest boy's age. We had modern finished lumber & modern sheeting materials much like I've been using on our current project. But there were no cordless drills or cordless framing nailers.

my project is zooming along like a rocket compared to what it would be without a few modern tools.

I told my wife 7 or 8 years ago when I bought my paslode nailer for building our house, told her after the first day of using it "well, that thing paid for itself today, every day it stays working from here out is just a bonus."

I strongly strongly suggest to anyone embarking on this sort of project that works full time & builds in his/her "spare time" These cordless nailers are a must, they shoot framers & sheeters and you don't need an air compressor. And the drills, cordless drills. Gotta have that stuff.

Something clever here.