Only -13 at my house lasssst nnnnnitttttte. Still kkkkkkinda shhhhhivering though. My calendar says its March. Which one of you donks snuck into my office and violated my calendar? No way it is March. This is January. Only 3 months more of winter to go, yippee!

My boys turn 1 on Monday. Man, what a quick year. On the other hand....finally they are 1! They are sleeping better; they only get up 2-3 times per nite. each. They are terrors on the move now that they crawl. You should see them squeal and take off for the dog's water dish. Funniest thing you will ever see. Legs pumping, arms trying to keep up and succeeding only half the time, face down on the floor, up again and squealing for the dish again. Life is good (inside the house).

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.