We just did the granite thing and of course the slab the wife picked out is the one backordered for 3 months. yes, 3 months.

The house is in Alexandria Tzone, sorry I didnt respond sooner, I have been rather busy. There will be a free seminar at my house on how to move furniture this weekend. Come one, Come all!!

Getting excited to move in doggone it. It has been a lot of work, but fun too.

Muffy, have you looked at the new laminate countertops? We put them in all the bathrooms and laundry. They look really good if'n you ask me. You cant really tell they arent granite until you are touching them.

A NEW truck Dave? Holy cow, we must see pics.

Cole is doing as well as can be expected. He was ice skating at the local pond here last weekend. he is quite the kid. He just had some chemo this week, so I am sure he will start to feel worse pretty soon. Only another 5 months to go!

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.