Originally Posted by Berettaman
I know some of you have followed Cole's story closely and I thought I would post an update. He has been done with chemo for a little over a month and his last scan was great. Apart from his bald little head, you couldnt tell him from other kids. Here is a pic ( a fantastic pic that my wife took if you ask me! a great action shot) of Cole and his cousin Jake riding the tube a few weeks ago. Oh, and Jake's mohawk was a temp thing as he got exposed to lice at daycare, so they shaved his head and gave him a mohawk for the weekend. Dont these kids look like they are having ....uh....fun? eek Cole is obviously the one on the right.

[Linked Image]

Thanks for the update , I've allways read the c/b posts since you posted the link. Brave lil man Cole is cool
Glad to hear the good news


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"All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." --James Madison