That is insane!

I'll admit that I came close to being on the other end of that situation once...however, this was completely the other guys fault, admitted by him, his group, as well as the farmer who owned the land I was on.

We were done with a drive, and ALL of the drivers said over the radio: "I am OUT of the woods". As I'm walking up the hill along the fence row, I hear a shot above me, and the farmer yell "MIKE! BUCK COMING DOWN!!!"

I pull up to get ready as he burst out of the brush. I fire off 2 shots from the 12 gauge, and then see an older man come out from behind a tree (still VERY MUCH in the woods!) right where I was getting ready to fire a 3rd shot. At 19 years old, I was freaking out, sure I had done something VERY stupid, apologizing profusely, wondering how I ever thought I was safe enough to even carry a gun...

Then I remembered that this man himself had said that he was OUT of the woods and headed to his truck...

When the farmer asked him about it, he said: "I was basically out, and I could see the trucks!"

He was hunting in the group with some friends of the farmer, and it was the first time he had ever hunted there before.

It was his last time hunting there, too. Meanwhile, I still hunt this farm a bit when I am home.

Scariest situation I have ever been a part of while hunting...almost enough to make me hang up my gun forever, honestly.

I'd rather have a bad day hunting than a good day working!