Originally Posted by tzone
Bill, Pete, my ex FIL for those of you who don't know him, hit two in two weeks with his catering van. Man was he ticked after the second one! Both broke the windshield.

I hit one back in 2000 with our Chevy Lumina. It was standing along US 10 and jumped up just as I got along side of. It hit the "A" pillar on the passenger side. Scared the crap out of my wife. Didn't do any damage to the car. The turkey on the other hand didn't fair to well.

bout 5 years ago I was up on CTY "W" in Sawyer county heading for Winter. Saw a turkey high in a tree off to my left. Darn thing came out of the tree and crossed right in front of me about windshield high. I just barely missed it.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except for bears. Bears kill you.