I don't like antler restrictions either. To a point, we already have that in place with the definition of a "legal buck" with the spike length description. For me, that's enough. It gives the definition of what is antlerless and what is a "buck" which allows hunters to use their tags correctly.

Antler restrictions above the verbiage that directs us on what gets an antlerless tag and what doesn't, would not be a good thing IMO.

If a group or individuals wish to practice some of the QDMA theories I totally understand that and I totally respect it.

I myself do not put priority on trophy status. That is not to say I wouldn't be happy about taking a very nice buck while practicing fair chase DIY hunting. I certainly would be very happy. But my personal interests and feelings about hunting wild game is much more primitive in function. To me it is a respectful harvest of meat, as natural as possible, without my personal influential efforts for genetic guidance or antler growth supplements, or selective harvest in hopes to preserve a potential "trophy" for a coming year.

I have zero interest, absolutely zero. Polar opposite would possibly be a better way to describe how I feel about QDMA structures and intentional enhancement efforts geared towards "trophy" hunting. No thanks, I'll wait for mother nature to provide me with my "trophy" opportunities. Perfectly aware and perfectly happy with the idea that it may never happen for me.

My hunting interests are in the respectful harvest, proper care for the meat, cutting, packaging, cooking and enjoying the whole thing from field to dining table.

I have let many deer walk, antlerless and young bucks. The reasons are very fluid, never exactly the same from one season to the next. My deer hunting mind set can range from "take anything I can get" to "If I don't see a decent buck, I'm ok with not shooting a deer this year."

It's very fluid and there are too many contributing factors to list but it changes with the deer population, it changes with who I may be hunting with, where I may be hunting, the weather itself, the current inventory of my freezer at time of hunt.. etc, etc.

Many things together form my intentions for a hunt on any particular day. And even then, they are simply intentions, and it takes a lot more than intentions to fill a tag. smile

That's a lot of jibber jabber and I'm sorry for that. My point was to shed some light on my personal deer hunting values which I inherited from the basic culture I was raised in. More of the hunter/gatherer mindset, and it is important to me to expose and express that sort of culture, those sorts of beliefs and that set of reasons for hunting. Sometimes I feel it is becoming lost and forgotten in the shadow of game/sport/trophy mentality.

My roots are still loyal to the "necessity" mind set. Which has nothing to do with antler scoring. I know I am far from being alone in my sentimental connection to "the old days". Also I am far from being alone in the hunter/gatherer mind set with priority and respect for whatever comes down the trail completely wild and completely natural.

I believe it would be unfortunate for trophy oriented structure to be imposed on hunters such as myself.

As far as "management", I tend to draw the line at overall population management. That's all I want. Simple goals, simple rules.

I just want the DNR to limit their extreme knee jerk management practices. Especially when the pendulum swings in the population reduction direction. Please, go easy on the tag issuing.

Something clever here.