Here is the latest from Cole's Caringbridge site:

Wow, thank you so much to all of you who attended, donated, and/or helped with the benefit! It was amazing to see so many people all there on Cole's behalf! And if anyone saw Cole, you could see how much fun he had!! I am so glad that he had the energy to keep up with all the other kids! It was very overwhelming to see all of the gifts donated!! Thank you so much for all of you who put so much work into it. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. And the money will be put to good use for Cole's long road to recovery. Thanks again!

Cole is doing pretty good. On Monday, we went to St. Cloud. His hemoglobin was up and his blood culture came back free from infection!! However, his counts were low again. So, that means it is only the injections keeping his numbers up. So, unfortunately we are back on them. We will do them through Thursday and check his blood counts on Friday. His counts have to be good in order to start chemo on Monday. That is the 4 night stay at the hospital with 3 new chemos! I am really scared for that. Especially, because last hospital stay he got so sick,and that was only 1 night! On Friday he has to get the H1N1 vaccine too. So, we have to go all the way to St. Cloud just for that. I was hoping he could just wait and get it at the hospital when we're there. But they are already out. So, our Doctor said we better just make the drive to get it when we can. Cole is really getting tired of all of this. I think since we started those injections at home it has made going to the doctor even harder. Maybe because he feels like he never gets a break from any of it anymore. Now he throws a fit when he gets his port accessed too, and he never use to. Some of Cole's close friends and cousins who he was with all weekend are sick. So, please pray Cole steers clear of all these bugs people are passing. They say H1N1 isn't bad unless you are already critically sick. Which scares me to death because Cole is!! So, pray it stays away from our family! Thank you.

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