A raffle on a tool gift certificate a place like WoodCrafters would get me movin'.

But here is another idea. I was in at least 6 gunshops today looking for .22 long rifle ammo. We found 4 boxes total, and they were not what I wanted. However, that's a nother story.

We stopped in Gander Mt. and I saw a super skinny .410 O/U. I don't much like O/Us actually but it looked interesting and I played with it a little bit. It as really darn solid and handled not bad at all. It was only $639 as I recall and I thought it was pretty much a steal at that price. I wouldn't buy one at retail but I'd invest a pair of Jacksons on 2 raffle tickets for it.

I'd also recommend a CZ .22 bolt rifle. Quality guns at a very good price. Much more interesting than a 10/22.


Save an elk, shoot a cow.