I butchered the last deer of the year today. shot it 2 weeks ago, temps were perfect to let it age, super tender and the backstraps are cooking in the crockpot right now. yum yum!

oddly enough I never got into the hotrod or sporty car game. most of the time I have no idea what engine is in the vehicle I drive or own for that matter. to me they are a tool to move things from point A to point B. nothing against those who like it, I just never got into it. restoring a vehicle I can kinda see, I don't have the knack to do it. small engines I can fix like nobodies business, but cars never did it for me. kinda wish they had, I always feel like the odd man out when it comes to talking cars with guys.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.